
House System Our Community

Here at Hamilton College we encourage children to support, interact and have fun with their peers and pupils across the whole school. This is exemplified by the rationale behind our School House system where pupils foster a healthy attitude towards competition. Pupils regularly come together to take part in events throughout the year including sports day. Pupils display school spirit and House pride as they work together to achieve a common goal. With the mixed age ranges, older learners are available to assist younger learners.

There are three school Houses; Lewis, Harris and Skye each represented by a team of House Captains. Each child is allocated a House when he or she joins the school. Not only are pupils assigned to a house but staff are also assigned to a house.  

For each competition points are allocated to houses and totalled across the year, the House with the highest score will receive an end of year reward.

Competitions include quizzes, creative challenges, reading challenges, public speaking and much more, we aim to recognise achievement across all areas so pupils can access a variety of competition that suits all. 

House Points can also be awarded through Recognitions, a member of staff can award a pupil with a Recognition for consistent excellent effort, supporting others, improved personal performance, contribution in lessons, upholding the Hamilton College Ethos, supporting the school community or the wider community. 

We regularly hold House assemblies where House captains update pupils on the house points and pupils take part in team activities to develop confidence and friendship within their house. 

The House system provides a wonderful sense of camaraderie throughout the school, pupils and staff. 

House Captains and Sports ambassadors also work alongside each other to support the running of tournaments and the organisation of the Senior School Christmas Dance. 

House events provide a safe and inclusive environment for pupils to develop in confidence and thrive as part of a community.

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