
Hamilton College Parents' Forum Our Community

At Hamilton College we place huge value on working in partnership with our learners’ families, across the school community from Nursery to Senior School.  These relationships are vital and allow us to work together to benefit each learner and their individual educational journey at Hamilton College.  

The Forum will allow us to put our learners and their families at the heart of how we shape our school for the future.   Forum members will provide a sounding board for the school to discuss current and proposed strategies.  The Forum will also allow the school to obtain valuable feedback from families to celebrate successes but also identify areas where improvements can be made, in line with our school value of Reflection and drive for continuous improvement. 

Key Objectives of the Hamilton College Parents’ Forum

The principal objective of the Forum being to provide a recognised means of communication between the school and parents by which:

  • The school can present to the parental body strategic initiatives which it is considering.
  • The school can share information pertaining to academic performance; and
  • Parents and carers can express any concerns about or make suggestions to improve the management of aspects of school life through their year group representative.
  • Parents and carers can express views on matters which the School and respond to matters raised by others either individually or via year group representatives.

Please note that the Hamilton College Parents’ Forum is not an appropriate platform for discussion of particular concerns about individual learners. Such matters will be redirected to most appropriate member of staff in the circumstances.


Forum meetings are held three times per academic year with one held each term in November, February and May.  Meetings will be chaired by one of our Governors with Parent/Carer Year Group Representatives invited.

Headteacher Mr Charman will attend and will be joined by members of our Senior Leadership Team and other staff as relevant to points raised for discussion.  Agenda items are to be submitted in advance via Representatives, who will raise relevant topics on behalf of parents at Forum meetings. 

Parents and Carers are invited to submit topics for discussion in advance of each Forum meeting. Parents and Carers who want their representative to raise a relevant topic should contact him or her in good time before the next meeting of the Forum.

The Agenda is then established. It may contain items put forward for discussion by Parents or Carers via Year Group Representatives, individual Parents or Carers or members of school staff.  The school communicates with all parents to make them aware of the upcoming meeting and the mechanism for raising agenda points.

The school compiles and circulates the Agenda to all members of the Forum. To allow appropriate time for discussion of Agenda items, advance notice should be given of all matters which members wish to raise at a Forum meeting. There will, however, be an opportunity for intimating any other competent business to the Chair at the start of a meeting although it may not always be possible to discuss items which are not on the agenda.

Year Group Representatives

One Representative from each year group will be selected (Nursery, J1/2, J3/4, J5, J6, Transitus, S1, S2, S3, S4 and S5/6).  Parents and Carers are also welcome to raise points individually at Hamilton College Parents’ Forum meetings.  At times meetings may be separated into Nursery & Junior School and Senior Forums, depending on the agenda items.

Year Group Representatives will serve for a maximum period of three years. A Representative can renew their commitment or resign at the end of the three year term.  Representatives may of course resign at any point in time and in those circumstances replacements will be sought as soon as possible when necessary.

Representatives and their contact details will be listed on our School App for Parents.  Parents and Carers are encouraged to contact a Representative if they have a matter which they believe merits general discussion.

Parents and Carers who are interested in becoming Parents’ Forum Year Group Representatives should apply by emailing [email protected]


Contact Information

Should you require any further information about the Forum or have any questions, please contact PA to the Headteacher, Mrs Lorraine Logan ([email protected]) or call her on 01698 282700 .    

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