
Junior Co-curricular Activities Junior School

We offer a strong co-curricular programme including various sporting and music clubs along with coding, languages, musical theatre, gardening, knitting and cheerleading to name but a few.

Clubs are offered before school, at lunch time and after school with some retaining a small weekly cost. Parents are issued with an online list and booking form towards the end of each term in preparation for the following term.

Please note that activities on offer change each term. For popular clubs, we do create a waiting list in preparation for the following term.

Co-Curricular programme

The Co-Curricular programme can now be found on School Portal. An example offering is shown below.

Hamilton College Junior School Co-Curricular Clubs
Before School J1-J3 Lego  J1–J6 Chess
During LunchJ4–J6 CodingJ4 – J6 Musical TheatreJ1-J6 Ballet           J4–J6 ChoirJ1-J6 Cheerleading  
 J1-J6 JAFFA/Choir     J4-J6 TennisJ1-J3 FootballJ1-J6 Acro GymnasticsJ1-J3 Athletics
     J4–J6 Junior Band
After schoolJ4-J6 AthleticsJ4-J6 FootballJ1-J3 Arts & CraftsJ4-J6 TennisJ1-J6 Street Dance   
 J1-J6 SpanishJ4-J6 NetballJ4-J6 KarateJ1-J3 KarateJ5 & J6 Props Club
   J1-J3 Tennis  


Partnership with the Michael Jamieson Swim Academy (MJSA)

Michael Jamieson Swim Academy logoOlympic silver medallist Michael Jamieson has launched his Swim Academy in partnership with Hamilton College. The Academy is based in our 25m pool, has been created to provide an environment full of positivity and encouragement of self-discovery.  The programs at every level are very much a “swimmer led” experience complimented by the instructor’s knowledge, experience and skill.

The partnership with Hamilton College offers our pupils and the local community an Olympic led swim program which provides seamless progression from infant beginners, through to pre-club level.

Bookings can be made directly via the MJSA website.

In addition to after-school lessons, Amanda McIlvaney (MJSA Co-founder) and other MJSA instructors work directly with pupils during timetabled PE classes. Hamilton College PE Staff have also received specialised training from the MJSA team for use in timetabled PE lessons.

Our Head of PE is delighted to be working with MJSA and said “It is our ambition to create a centre of excellence for swimming at Hamilton College working in partnership with MJSA”.

Out of School Care - Before and After School

For parents who require flexibility, we offer free, early morning supervision from 8.00am Monday to Friday during term time.

Our Aftercare facility is also available for Junior School pupils from the end of their School day at 3.15pm or after school co-curricular club until 6.00pm Monday to Friday, during term time. Fees are detailed below and include a late afternoon snack which can be selected from a range of healthy options.

8.00am - start of school dayFree
3.15pm - 5.15pm£8
3.15pm - 6pm£12
From end of after school club - 5.15pm£4
5.15pm - 6pm £4

At Aftercare, pupils can choose to do their homework or participate in a variety of activities including:

  • Outdoor games and activities, including maintaining our courtyard garden
  • Computer/console games
  • Art and Crafts
  • Cooking
  • Air hockey
  • Snooker
  • Role-play and dressing up
  • Organised games

Pupil voice remains an important consideration at Aftercare, for choosing both activities and snack options. Pupils vote for their favourite snacks and are encouraged to make or assemble their own.

Aftercare Security

We place a high priority on the safety of our pupils. On arrival at Aftercare, each child is noted in the register and must be signed out on collection by a parent or guardian.

If someone other than a parent is collecting a child, the school must be notified in advance of whom the parent has appointed. This should always be a responsible adult and a password must be given.

Aftercare Supervision

Our adult to pupil ratio in Aftercare is a maximum of 1:10.  All staff have been checked by Disclosure Scotland and each is committed to the care and well-being of our children.

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